Thursday, 9 April 2015

Irish family history at WDYTYA?Live, 16–18 April
Who Do You Think You Are? Live will be throwing open its doors this time next week at the National Exhibition Centre in Birmingham, UK. This is a new venue (it's previously been held in London and Glasgow) and it'll be interesting to see if it manages to attract the same crowds as it has in previous years.

Its numbers will be short by at least one person – me! I shan't be attending this year.

There will be just five Irish genealogy exhibitors and five Irish-themed lectures at the show. They are:


Irish Genealogical Research Society – Stand 424
North of Ireland Family History Society – Table 75
GRONI – Stand 108
Eneclann – Stand 218
Irish Ancestors 4U – Table 138


Thursday 16th: 1:15–2pm: Place of Birth 'Ireland': How do I find out more? with Maggie Loughran
Friday 17th: 12:15–1pm: Irish Soldiers & Rebels, with Brian Donovan
Friday 17th: 4:15–5pm: Irish Valuation Office Records, with Maeve Mullin
Saturday 18th: 1:15–2pm: Irish Catholic Church Records, with Jim Ryan
Saturday 18th: 2:15–3pm: The Registry of Deeds in Dublin? with Fiona Fitzsimons

There will, of course, be plenty of interest from other exhibitors and a good few discounts and special promotions on offer. FamilyTreeDNA and AncestryDNA will also be busy destinations, I'm sure. Ask The (Irish) Experts will be offering free 20-minute genealogy consultations, photographic detectives will be detecting clues in visitors' old family snaps, and there will no doubt be a few celebrities holding forth here and there.

You can find out more about show and ticket prices by clicking the logo above.