Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Can you help the Letters of 1916 project on 28 April?

The Letters of 1916 Project is looking for some help. The team has around 600 images of letters waiting to be transcribed before they making their way into the Letters of 1916 database.

The project is the first public humanities project in Ireland and is creating a crowd-sourced digital collection of letters written around the time of the Easter Rising (1 November 1915 to 31 October 1916).

Once transcribed, the 600 letters would ensure the project achieves its goal of 4,000 letters when the Letters of 1916 website launches on 3 November.

If you're available and interested to help, drop in anytime between 3pm and 7pm on Tuesday 28 April to meet the team at the Iontas Building, Maynooth University, Co Kildare. You'll be taught everything you need to know. You'll be able to visit the Humanities Research Institute and get an idea of how a Digital Humanities Crowdsourcing project works. You'll even get refreshments and, if you visit before 5pm, a parking pass (go to first floor to collect).

If the date isn't convenient but you'd still like to offer help with the transcription work, you'll find more details about the Letters of 1916 project here.