Friday, 30 January 2015

Discounts, tutorials & free lecture recordings from ULF

The Ulster Historical Foundation has been very busy in the last few weeks, and not only in response to a 50% discount offer on its 1.7m birth, marriage and death records (see my blogpost for more details). Note that the sale has been extended to 9 February.

In addition to the half-price sale promotion, the organisation has been creating video tutorials to help its Guild members and visitors to the site to get the very best from their searches of its databases. Videos on Getting Started and using the Baptism and Marriage databases have been joined today by a tutorial on using the Graveyard Inscription database. They can all be viewed here.

Another development is the digitisation of audio recordings from some of the Guild's past conferences. The ‘Voices from the past’ lecture series is available only to members of the Guild and presents a rare opportunity to enjoy some very distinguished academics and archivists, some of whom are no longer with us, giving advice on using historical sources in Ireland. This week’s additions include:

Valuation records: A valuable resource for Genealogists,
with Trevor Parkhill
New Light at the Cape of Good Hope, with Prof. Leslie McCracken
Family Research in the Registry of Deeds, with Dr Katharine Brown
Sources in PRONI relating to education, with Dr Roger Strong

To launch the Voices from the Past series of recordings, the ULF has made Dr Katherine Brown's lecture on Family Research in the Registry of Deeds freely available to all on the ULF's homepage.