Thursday, 22 January 2015

The Genealogy Radio show: Series II gets underway
Lorna Moloney's Genealogy Radio Show will return for its second series today on RaidiĆ³ Corca Baiscinn, a community radio station based in County Clare .

The new series was due to start last Thursday but the weather in County Clare had other ideas. Gales, rain, snow... everything a winter Atlantic depression could rustle up... resulted in the radio station losing power for some time, and it was decided to broadcast a recording of Lorna's very first show rather than attempt a live broadcast.

So, series two kicks off today with Lorna exploring trade directories (their value to Irish family history research and where to access them) and advanced family tree software. You can listen in at 4pm this afternoon on 92.5 & 94.8FM or over the Internet at Alternatively, you can download a free podcast from the website on Friday; a recording of each episode is uploaded to the RaidiĆ³ Corca Baiscinn's website the day after its broadcast so that those who can't listen live can still hear the programme in full.