Friday, 16 January 2015

PRONI & WFA to host Ireland and Gallipoli conference

Here's one for the diary. The Public Record Office of Northern Ireland and the Antrim and Down Western Front Association branch are to host a day-conference on Ireland and Gallipoli on 30 April.

The Gallipoli Campaign, which is known to the Turks as the Battle of Çanakkale, still remains controversial. France, allied with Britain and its dominions, planned to eliminate Turkey from the Great War by landing on the northern bank of the Dardanelles and marching on the Ottoman capital Constantinople to open the Dardanelles sea channel to Russia.

A brilliant strategic plan was marred by tactical failure and poor execution. The initial naval attack was repelled and the subsequent land campaign also failed at a cost of 250,000 allied casualties. After eight months of fighting, the invasion frorce had to be evacuated in January 1916.

The conference will examine this campaign 100 years on with a special focus on the experience and role of Ireland and Irish people.

Venue: PRONI, Titanic Boulevard, Belfast.
When: 10am to 4pm on Thursday 30 April.
Cost: Admission is free.
Booking: Essential, by email to or telephone 028 9053 4800.