Monday, 13 October 2014

Irish genealogy & history events, 13–24 October

Monday 13 October: Fighting in 11th-century Dublin, with Christina Wade. Part of the Living and Dying in a medieval city – Dublin in the Age of Clontarf lunchtime lecture series. Host: Friends of Medieval Dublin. Venue: Wood Quay Venue, Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8. Time: 1:05pm to 1:45pm. Free. No booking necessary.

Monday 13 October:
The Thompson Farm, Dunaney, with Dr Jim Bradley. Host: North of Ireland Family History Society, Newtownabbey Branch. Venue: Drama Theatre, Glenformley High School, 134 Ballyclare Road, Newtownabbey BT36 5HP. 7:00pm. All welcome.

Monday 13 October: How to undertake War grave research - War graves in Northern Ireland, with Nigel Henderson. (See also 13 October for narrower Belfast focus.)Venue: PRONI, Titanic Boulevard, Belfast. All welcome. 1pm to 2pm. Free, but booking required. Email or telephone 028 90  534800 to reserve your place.

Tuesday 14 October: Commonwealth war graves records for Ireland, with Patrick Lynch. Host: Genealogical Society of Ireland. Venue: Dun Laoghaire FEi, Cumberland Street, Dun Laoghaire, Co Dublin. 8pm. €3.

Tuesday 14 October: Serving Belfast Municipal Services, with Robert Corbett. Part of the Belfast Corporation lecture series. Venue: PRONI, Titanic Boulevard, Belfast. All welcome. 1pm to 2pm. Free, but booking required. Email or telephone 028 90  534800 to reserve your place.

Wednesday 15 October: George Petrie’s “Topographical Department” (1835-42), with Paul Walsh. Part of the Mapping City, Town and Country lecture series. Venue: Royal Irish Academy, 19 Dawson Street, Dublin 2. 1-2pm. Free. All welcome. No need to book.

Wednesday 15 October: A Call to Arms – Portadown and the Great War, with Richard Edgar. Host: North of Ireland Family History Society, North Armagh Branch. Venue: Town Hall, 15 Edward Street, Portadown, BT62 3LX. 7:30pm. All welcome.

Wednesday 15 October: Ulster Protestant Gaelic Tradition, with Diarmaid O Doibhlin. Part of the Irish language and culture lecture series. Venue: PRONI, Titanic Boulevard, Belfast. All welcome. 1pm to 2pm. Free, but booking required. Email or telephone 028 90  534800 to reserve your place.

Wednesday 15 October: The decline and fall of the dukes of Leinster, with Professor Terence Dooley. First of the Strokestown Park/CSHIHE Lecture Series. 8pm.  Strokestown Park, Co Roscommon. Details and bookings: or tel: 071- 9633013.

Thursday 16 October: Exploring family history – Churches and churchgoers, with Dr Janice Holmes and Dr Barry Sheehan. Part of the Open University Lunchtime Lecture Series, examining the working lives of families in the past, with examples from PRONI's collections. Venue: PRONI, Titanic Boulevard, Belfast. 1pm. Booking recommended but not essential. Free.

Thursday 16 October: New system at GRONI, with Emma Elliott. Host: North of Ireland Family History Society, North Down & Ards Branch. Venue: 1st Presbyterian Church Hall, Upper Main Street, Bangor BT20 4AG. 7:30pm. All welcome.

Friday 17 October: Australia and Ireland in the First World War, a symposium. Plus the launch of the Irish Anzacs Database. Host: The Keith Cameron Chair of Australian History at UCD. Venue: Room K114, Newman Building, UCD. 10am to 4:15pm. Programme and details.

Friday 17 October to Sunday 19 October: Back To Our Past, Ireland's major annual genealogy exhibition and conference. Incorporates the Genetic Genealogy Ireland conference. Venue: Industries Hall, RDS, Dublin 4. 11am–7pm each day. Exhibitors, two strands of genealogy/heritage lectures, one strand of DNA talks, free APGI consultations. €5 on the door entry each day if you use 50% voucher – see blogpost for link to voucher and more details.

Friday 17 October to Sunday 19 October: The Genealogy Event, includes some Irish family history presentations. Sunday is dedicated to DNA. Venue: Fri & Sat: Alexander Hamilton US Custom House,1 Bowling Green, New York City, USA; Sunday only: India House Club, NY, NY. Details.

Saturday 18 October: Irish Genealogy, Intermediate level, with Diane Bryant and Lorraine Roberts. Venue: Dyer Memorial Library, 28 Centre Avenue, Abington, New England, USA. Workshop 1-2pm followed by guided research 2-3pm. Free.  Tel: 781-878-8480 to register.

Sunday 19 October: Charity and the Great Hunger: The extent to which people throughout the world mobilized to provide money, food and clothing to assist the starving Irish, with Professor Christine Kinealy. Venue: The Gaelic-American Club, 74 Beach Road, Fairfield, CT 06824 USA. 2-4 p.m. Open to the public. $5. Need to register.

Monday 20 October: Using DNA to research your Northern Ireland family tree, with Brian O'Hara and Maggie Lyttle. Host: North of Ireland Family History Society, Larne Branch. Venue: Larne Bowling & Lawn Tennis Club, 112 Glenarm Road, Larne, BT40 1DZ. 7:30pm. All welcome.

Tuesday 21 October: Building the City Hall, with Robert Corbett. Part of the Belfast Corporation lecture series. Venue: PRONI, Titanic Boulevard, Belfast. All welcome. 1pm to 2pm. Free, but booking required. Email or telephone 028 90  534800 to reserve your place.

Tuesday 21 October: Out of the dark, 1914-1918, South Dubliners in the Great War, with Ken Kinsella. Host: Dublin City Library and Archive. Venue: The Council Chamber, City Hall, Dame Street, Dublin 2. 1:10pm to 1:50pm (doors open 12:30pm). Free. All welcome. No booking.

Wednesday 22 October: Glimpses of Ireland's past: drawings in the OS Memoirs, with Angélique Day. Part of the Mapping City, Town and Country lecture series. Venue: Royal Irish Academy, 19 Dawson Street, Dublin 2. 1-2pm. Free. All welcome. No need to book.

Wednesday 22 October: Influence of Irish on English as we speak it, with Joe O Labhrai. Part of the Irish language and culture lecture series. Venue: PRONI, Titanic Boulevard, Belfast. All welcome. 1pm to 2pm. Free, but booking required. Email or telephone 028 90  534800 to reserve your place.

Thursday 23 October: 'If the nation is to be saved women must help in the saving': Women and War in Ireland, 1914–18, with Dr Senia Paseta. Part of The Road to War Lecture Series. Hosted by PRONI and National Museums Northern Ireland. Venue: PRONI, Titanic Gardens, Belfast. 7pm. Free but booking essential. Email or phone 44+ 028 905 34800.

Thursday 23 October: Exploring family history – Shops and shoppers, with Dr Janice Holmes and Dr Barry Sheehan. Part of the Open University Lunchtime Lecture Series, examining the working lives of families in the past, with examples from PRONI's collections. Venue: PRONI, Titanic Boulevard, Belfast. 1pm. Booking recommended but not essential. Free.