Monday 27 October 2014

Irish genealogy and history events, 28 Oct to 8 Nov

Tuesday 28 October: Family history research using the Internet, with Boyd Gray. Host: Coleraine Brance of the North of Ireland Family History Society. Venue: Guide Hall, Terrace Row Presbyterian Church, Coleraine BT52 1HF. 8pm. All welcome.

Tuesday 28 October: We are all one in the suffrage faith, with Dr Margaret Ward. Part of the Lisburn Museum Lecture Series: Ireland during the Great War. Venue: Lisburn Museum, Market Square, Lisburn, BT28 1AG. 7pm. Free but must be booked in advance – tickets available from museum reception or, for more information call 028 9266 3377.

Tuesday 28 October: The Library holdings of the IGRS, with Mary Casteleyn FIGRS. Host: The Irish Genealogical Research Society. Venue: Helen Roe Theatre, Royal Society of Antiquaries, 63 Merrion Square, Dublin 2. Starts 6:45pm. Members and non-members welcome. No booking. Free. Details.

Tuesday 28 October: The Inhabitants of Scattery Island & the Vandeleurs of Kilrush, with Senan Scanlan. Host: Kilrush and District Historical Society. Venue: Teach Ceoil, Grace Street, Kilrush, Co Clare. 8pm.

Tuesday 28 October: Researching your family tree, with Raymond Cuddy. Host: Killeeshil and Clonaneese Historical Society. Venue: Killymaddy Tourist Centre, Ballygawley Road, Dungannon, Co Tyrone. 8pm. £3, includes supper. All welcome.

Wednesday 29 October: John O'Donovan's work for the Ordnance Survey, with Prof. Michael Herity. Part of the Mapping City, Town and Country lecture series. Venue: Royal Irish Academy, 19 Dawson Street, Dublin 2. 1-2pm. Free. All welcome. No need to book.

Wednesday 29 October: Methodists, from the Free State to the Republic, with Revd Dudley Levistone Cooney. Host: Old Dublin Society. Venue: Dublin City Library and Archive, Pearse Street, Dublin. 6:30pm.

Wednesday 29 October: Irish family history / GRO records, a talk with the General Register Office of Northern Ireland (GRONI). Venue: Downpatrick Library. 12:30pm–1:30pm. Free. All welcome.

Wednesday 29 October: Voices from Mountjoy Prison's unmarked graves, with Tim Carey. Host: National Library of Ireland, Kildare Street, Dublin 2. Free. 6:30pm. All welcome. No need to book.

Thursday 30 October: Maps and Placenames, with Dr Liam Campbell. Host: Strabane History Society. Venue: Room 5, Strabane Library, 1 Railway Street, Strabane, Co Tyrone. 7:30pm.

Thursday 30 October: Exploring family history – Doctors and patients, with Dr Janice Holmes and Dr Barry Sheehan. Part of the Open University Lunchtime Lecture Series, examining the working lives of families in the past, with examples from PRONI's collections. Venue: PRONI, Titanic Boulevard, Belfast. 1pm. Booking recommended but not essential. Free.

Thursday 30 October: How to use DNA to research your townland of origin, with Dr Tyrone Bowes. Host: Ballymena Branch of the North of Ireland Family History Society. Venue: Michelin Arts Workshop, Braid Arts Centre, Ballymena BT43 5EJ. 7:15pm. All welcome.

Thursday 30 October:
The Irish Anzacs Project, with Professor Jeff Kildea. Host: Ulster Society for Irish Historical Studies. Venue: Queen's University Belfast, 14 University Square 01/007. 6:30pm–8pm. All welcome. Free.

Friday 31 October: Early medieval settlement, with Finbar McCormick. Host: Sligo Field Club. Venue: Sligo IT Education Centre. 8pm.

Friday 31 October to Saturday 1 November: Mr Tuke's Fund, a conference exploring emigration from Connemara. Host: Clifden and Connemara  Heritage Society. Venue: Station House Hotel, Clifden, Co Galway. €26.50, includes lunch and refreshments. Details (pdf).

Saturday 1 November: Landlord and estate, with Dr Wm Smyth. Venue: Tipperary County Museum, Mick Delahunty Square, Clonmel, Co Tipperary. 10am to Noon, with refreshments provided. €5 per session. Bookings: or 076 106 5564.

Saturday 1 November: Getting started on Irish Genealogy, with Bridget Bray. Host: Irish/British Genealogy Group. Venue: New York Irish Center, 10-40 Jackson Avenue, Long Island City, NY, USA. 12-3pm. Details.

Saturday 1 November: We serve neither King nor Kaiser, an Irish Labour History Society conference, focusing on WW1. Venue: Beggars Bush Barracks, Haddington Road, Dublin 4. 10am–5pm. €10, includes tea/coffee/sandwiches. Programme.

Saturday 1 November: Local History Day. Host and Venue: Dublin City Library & Archive, Pearse Street, Dublin 2. Five presentations. Free. 9:45am to 3:30pm. Tea/coffee provided but lunch at own expense. Open to all. No booking required. Details.

Monday 3 November
: Kith and Kin – the continuing Legacy of the Scots-Irish in America, with Alister McReynolds. Host: Killyleagh branch of the North of Ireland Family History Society. Venue: Killyleagh Masonic Hall, 50 High Street, Killyleagh, Co Down. 8pm.

Tuesday 4 November: Councils and corporations, with Ian Montgomery. Part of the Belfast Corporation lecture series. Venue: PRONI, Titanic Boulevard, Belfast. All welcome. 1pm to 2pm. Free, but booking required. Email or telephone 028 90  534800 to reserve your place. 

Wednesday 5 November: From Rocque to the Ordnance Survey: mapping Dublin 1756 to 1847, with Rob Goodbody. Part of the Mapping City, Town and Country lecture series. Venue: Royal Irish Academy, 19 Dawson Street, Dublin 2. 1-2pm. Free. All welcome. No need to book.

Wednesday 5 November: History of the Irish language, with Michael O Mairtin. Part of the Irish language and culture lecture series. Venue: PRONI, Titanic Boulevard, Belfast. All welcome. 1pm to 2pm. Free, but booking required. Email or telephone 028 90  534800 to reserve your place.

Thursday 6 November: Finding Great War Fatalities: War Graves in Belfast, with Nigel Henderson. Host: North of Ireland Family History Society, Belfast branch. Venue: Holywood Arches Library, Holywood Road, Belfast BT4 1NT. 7:30pm.

Thursday 6 November to Sunday 9 November: International Irish Famine Commemoration in New Orleans, USA. A variety of events including a symposium at Tulane University on the 7th (free, all welcome). Full details on dedicated event website.

Saturday 8 November: Getting started with your Irish genealogy, with Tom Rice 1030-1200 Tom Rice. Introduction to the key tools for finding your ancestors in Ireland: most important record types, Irish geographic terms, Irish names, key Irish genealogy web sites and books. Host: Irish Genealogical Society International. Venue: Minnesota Genealogical Society International, 1185 Concord St. N, South St. Paul, Minnesota, USA. $10.00 members/$15.00 non-members. Details.