Friday 4 April 2014

Genealogy advice & lectures at Killaloe's Ború festival

There's to be an invasion of Vikings and chaps in funny helmets next weekend (12-13 April) in Killaloe!

The Brian Ború Millennium Festival looks like being terrific fun, with a great range of enactments, boat launches and tours, archaeological digs, guided walks and music sessions taking place, as well as a free programme of heritage, history and genealogy talks and a genealogy drop-in advice service running over the Saturday and Sunday.

The Genealogy Advisory Service and Talks will be held in Killaloe Library and are being provided by Ancestor Network.

Here's the schedule:

Saturday 12 April:

10:30 – The Battle of Clontarf, with Darren McGettigan
11:30 – We all descend from Brian Ború, with Mark Humprhys
12:30 – The O'Briens of Dromoland, with Grania Weir
 1:30 – Introduction to Irish family history, with John Hamrock

A team of genealogists from Ancestor Network will be available from 10am to 2pm to help individuals trace their ancestors and advise on sources available.

Sunday 13 April:

12:00 – History of Brian Ború and Clontarg, with Dennis McIntyre
 1:00 – Introduction to Irish family history, with Maeve Mullin
 1:30 – Introduction to Irish family history, with John Hamrock
 2:00 – Gaelic Genealogies and the Descendents of Brian Ború, with John Hamrock

A team of genealogists from Ancestor Network will be available from 12pm to 3pm to help individuals trace their ancestors and advise on sources available.

You can download the full programme here.