Thursday, 30 May 2013

National Library of Ireland's summer of genealogy

The National Library of Ireland is to host a two-month extravaganza of Irish genealogy lectures this summer. They will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays throughout July and August, and there will be few extra sessions to make a daily line-up during Heritage Week (19-23 August).

The lunchtime lectures programme, which is part of the NLI's contribition to The Gathering, covers a very wide range of themes, including several with a fresh twist, and will attract genealogists at all levels of experience. Each lecture will be held in the Seminar Room at the NLI in Kildare Street at 1pm and will last approximately 30 minutes.

Admission is free and no booking is required.

I went along to a few of last year's summer lectures at the Library. They were shorter (only 20 minutes) and held in a more concentrated time span, but they were very well presented and well attended. I'm sure this year's will be similar. So take a good look through the programmes and get the dates into your diary now!

Download the July programme.
Download the August programme.