Only eight seats remaining!
The Irish Genealogical Research Society will be holding its Open Day & AGM on Saturday 11 May. Following tea and coffee, two lectures will be presented, as follows:
11am: Tracking the Irish with FamilySearch – It’s Never been Better, with Sharon Hintze, director of the London Family History Centre.
12pm: Community Genealogy and Historic Graveyard Surveys in Ireland, with John Tierney, director of the Historic Graves Project in Ireland.
A light finger buffet lunch follows the lectures and is included in the price of £25 for members and £30 for non-members. After lunch, the AGM is held. This is free but open only to non-members.
Venue: 34 Chepstow Villas, Bayswater, London W11 (within an easy five- to ten-minute walk of Notting Hill tube station). More details and online booking.
As of this morning there are only eight seats remaining before the venue reaches maximum capacity. Please book quickly if you plan to come along.