Thursday, 19 July 2012

Pikemen wanted for battle!

More info from
The first weekend of August will see a re-enactment of the Battle of Vinegar Hill at Enniscorthy, co Wexford. There'll be parades, cannons and cavalry charges and a good bit of over-acting as the rebels and the redcoats clash just as they did (well, not quite) in 1798.

It'll be a fun and educational weekend for spectators, but even more exciting for those who heed the organisers Call to Arms. Pikemen, women and children are being recruited for the battle. Ring the National 1798 Rebellion Centre on 053 92 37596. Children as young as 10 can take part, provided they are accompanied by an adult.

There's one proviso... you have to attend the safety training at 2pm on Saturday 4th in the National 1798 Rebellion Centre. No safety training = no taking part in battle. Simple.

Very much a joining-in event, the plan for the weekend looks like this:

Saturday, 4th: Experience life as an 18th century redcoat at Enniscorthy Castle or learn about the pikemen of '98 at the National 1798 Rebellion Centre. See a blacksmith making pikes, learn how to march, or enlist as a soldier.

Sunday, 5th: Pikeman and redcoats will parade through the town of Enniscorthy to Vinegar Hill. The parade begins at the Fairgreen at 1p.m with battle commencing at 2p.m on the Hill. See cannons, cavalry and infantry clash and see how the battle unfolded in 1798!