Friday, 13 July 2012

Friday briefs

Rare Book Collections at the NLI

At the National Library of Ireland from Monday 16 July, all rare book collections requiring special access (including those with the prefixes J/Joly, LO, Dix, Thom, OKE) will be available for consultation in the Manuscript Reading Room. This also applies to music collections (prefixes JM, AM and MU)

Readers may order up to 3 rare books at each delivery time, either in person in the Manuscript Reading Room, by telephone (+353 (0)1 6030 386), or by completing the online order form.

Items with prefixes JLB, LO LB and Thom LB will still be accessed in the main Reading Room.


20 Top surnames

If your family tree contains any of the twenty most common Irish surnames – Murphy, Kelly, O'Sullivan, Walsh, Smith, O'Brien, Byrne, Ryan, O'Connor, O'Neill, McCarthy, Gallagher, Doherty, Shea, O'Reilly, Doyle, Power, Fitzgerald, O'Malley, O'Donnell – you'll be interested to see this new infographic from the GoIreland team.


Irish Roots Magazine's new shop opens

The quarterly magazine Irish Roots has opened a new online store. Among the first offers 'on the shelves' are Genealogy starter packs, back copies of the magazine and a new subscription facility.