Thursday 17 November 2011

More searchable Monaghan records released has released more County Monaghan church records to its online pay-to-view database today.

An extra 18,455 baptisms have been added, bringing the total to 50,368. Aghabog, Kileevan (Newbliss) and Tullycorbet (Ballybay) parishes are the newcomers to the RC options while Church of Ireland are represented by the parishes of Clones, Donagh and Ematris (St John's and Kilcrow).

In addition, 15,293 marriage records are now available. These are all from RC parishes.

Death/burial records for three parishes have also been added: Currin and Errigal Shanco (both C of I) and Tydavnet (RC)., a rival site managed by the Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht which makes church records available for free searching and viewing, was supposed to be releasing a set of Monaghan records earlier this year and has continued to promise these were 'in the pipe'. Alas, the free pipe appears to be blocked. Whether it's worth waiting for it to clear, or getting out the plastic on the RootsIreland site now, is a decision for the individual researcher.

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