Wednesday 25 May 2016

Summer issue of Irish Roots magazine published
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The Summer edition of Irish Roots magazine has been published.

Once again, it has a good spread of features designed to help readers make progress with their family history research and to learn about their Irish heritage. Continuing the sacred sites series is an article focussing on the Hill of Tara, once home to the High Kings of Ireland and a site connected to many early myths and legends, while the series looking at the family histories of the leaders of the 1916 Rising concentrates on the backgrounds of Cornelius Colbert, Edward Daly, Seán Heuston and Thomas Kent.

A third series covering C19th Care of the Poor records in the United States turns its attention to the care of military veterans and orphanages, while the Australian records series casts its detailed eye over records of Irish-Australian sportsmen and women.

This issue's county of focus for genealogists is the beautiful Garden of Ireland, County Wicklow, with a round up of the best collections of local record sources, while an in-depth record collection feature makes sense of the many sources of church records now available online.

There is also an article exploring the value of the 1939 National Register of England and Wales.

This issue carried a lot of news, too, with reports of happenings among the major genealogical societies; my own What's New? Review of record releases and other developments over the last three months; information about researcher-led projects, this year's anniversaries and recent book launches; and details of up-coming heritage events, gatherings, courses, summer schools and conferences taking place this summer/autumn in Ireland.

Add in letters to the editor, suggestions of heritage and historical atrractions to visit, and the helpful Questions and Answers page, and you have plenty of interesting, unbiased and useful reading ahead of you!

Irish Roots magazine is available in print in shops or by post, or you can download a digital version for immediate download. Subscriptions are also available.