Saturday, 25 May 2024

Treat yourself to a rare subscription discount from Ancestry UK

Goodness. When did you last see a discount offer for a subscription to Ancestry UK? I certainly can't remember when I did. So if you thinking of taking out a new sub, this may be the opportunity you're been hoping to arrive.

Until 11:59pm BST on Wednesday 29 May, you can take advantage of a 20% discount on a new six-month subscription to Ancestry UK. If you choose the Ireland and UK option, you'll be saving yourself £13 on the regular price of £69.99, with the reduced cost coming in at a rather more tidy £59.99.

If you prefer the 'all records' subscription, the standard price of £99.99 is reduced to £79.99. It includes all records in Ancestry's Ireland and UK collections AND all its international records, too.

Click the image right to learn more. Look out, too, for the current saving on AncestryDNA test kits. Just scroll down the landing page.