Wednesday, 8 May 2024

FindMyPast adds County Limerick Electoral Registers, 1760-1776's latest addition is a collection of voters' registers relating to three elections held in the second half of the 18th century. The record-set has been launched as the Limerick City & County Electoral Registers 1760-1776 collection and holds 2,548 transcriptions.

As far as I'm aware, these records, sourced from the National Library of Ireland, have not previously been available online.

The registers record those who voted in the Limerick in the elections of 1761, 1768 and 1776. They note who the individual voted for, their place of residence and the address of the property through which they qualified for a vote.

At this time, County Limerick was entitled to elect two MPs to the Dublin Parliament; entitlement to vote was restricted to adult men who possessed freehold property with a minimum value of £2 per year or were Freemen of Limerick City.

A sample search return from the 1768 election (which took place at St Francis's Abbey, 11-16 July) shows Patrick Fitzgibbon, who lived at Newcastle and held property at Manister-nenagh valued at more than £2pa, voted for "m.o.". Eight years later, now residing in Manister, he voted for Hugh Massy ("hm").

Be sure to read the collection home page before searhing.

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