Tuesday, 28 May 2024

Latest update from the Irish Registry of Deeds Index Project

Following its most recent update, the main index of the online Registry of Deeds Index Project Ireland holds the names of nearly 590,000 individuals recorded in memorials dating back to the early 18th century.

Some 88% of these memorials are linked to images of the original documents, which are available to view free of charge at FamilySearch.

The Townland Index is also free to search, allowing researchers to search for settlements made by people who lived or owned land in a particular townland, or for sales or other transfers of land parcels. This index holds more than 547,000 entries.

The project is volunteer led, and all the Indexes are free to search.

More volunteers are needed. Please consider donating a little of your time to help this important and increasingly useful project as it reveals the secrets of the Registry of Deeds collection to genealogists and other researchers around the world.