Wednesday, 7 September 2022

Online Irish family history workshop for beginners and refreshers

The Society of Genealogists is to host a half-day session aimed at beginners in Irish family history research on Saturday 10 September.

It will be held (live) online from 10:30am to 1pm (BST) and will be presented by Rosalind McCutcheon and Jill Williams, both of them Fellows of the Irish Genealogical Research Society and highly experienced family historians, who will set you on the right path to understanding Irish records and finding your ancestors from Ireland. Among the research areas they will explore are:

  • The context and background of Irish records
  • The records you need to get started with your Irish family research, including civil registration, church and census records
  • Where to find the records
  • How to use the records
  • The latest additions to Irish records online.

The fee is £20.00 including VAT (SoG Members £16.00). To find out more and to book your space, see the SoG's website.