Monday, 30 May 2022

Irish genealogy, history and heritage events, 30 May to 12 June

Tuesday 31 May: The Long Land War: Ireland's contribution to the global politics of land, with Jo Guldi. An online event hosted by the National Library of Ireland. 7pm. Free. All welcome but booking required.

Thursday 2 June and Friday 3 June: Bank holidays in Northern Ireland.

Thursday 2 June: Yeats and Theatre: a virtual Exhibition Tour, a free online event hosted by the National Library of Ireland. 1pm. All welcome. Need to register to receive zoom link. Free.

Thursday 2 June: Book launch: Unsettled Territory: The 5th battalion in North Meath, 1917-1921, by Frank Cogan. An in-person event hosted by Meath County Library and Meath Archaeological and Historical Society. Venue: County Library, Railway Street, Navan, County Meath. 7:30pm. All welcome. 

Thursday 2 June: From Slieve Gallion Brae to the shore of Lough Neave: The place names of mid-Ulster, with Dr Brian Ó Doibhlin delivering the Ulster Place-Name Society's annual Deirdre Flanagan Memorial Lecture. An in-person event. Venue: Queen's University Belfast, BT7 1NN in the Peter Froggatt Centre/0G/007. 7pm. Free. Details and registration.

Saturday 4 June: The World Turned Upside Down: Lord Edward Fitzgerald, the British Army, and the battle for Irish Freedom, with Stella Tillyard at Castletown House. An in-person event. All welcome. €10. Tickets. Part of the 6th Irish Military Seminar organised by Kildare County Council. Full programme of lectures in venues across the county including Castletown House, Celbridge, Naas and Newbridge Libraries and Newbridge Town Hall, from 4 to 11 June.

Saturday 4 June: Goldenbridge Cemetery Tour, an in-person event. Meet at Richmond Barracks, Inchicore, Dublin 8. 2pm to 3:15pm. Need to book. Tickets €10 / €8.

Saturday 4 June: 1798 United Irishmen, Belfast a walking tour with public historians Sean Napier and Colm Dore. An in-person event. 11:30am–2:30pm. Meet at Parish Church Of St George, 105 High Street, Belfast, BT1 2AG. All welcome. Tickets: £12:50pp. Details and booking.

Sunday 5 June: Who was James Connolly? with Micheal Johnson. A free online event hosted by Workers' Liberty. 6:30pm to 8pm. All welcome. Details, registration and zooom link.

Monday 6 June: Bank holiday in Republic of Ireland.

Tuesday 7 June: An introduction to Irish family history research, with Natalie Bodle. An online event hosted by Glamorgan Family History Society. Free. All welcome. Need to register. An online event.7:30pm–8:45pm. Details.

Thursday 9 June: The Treaty 1921, the National Archives of Ireland's exhibition is on tour and will be at St. Peter’s Church, North Main St, Cork City until 5 July. Free. In-person event. All welcome. Details.

Thursday 9 June: The Treaty 1921, the National Archives of Ireland's exhibition is now on tour and will be at Limerick City and County Council buildings, Merchants Quay (Istabraq Hall) Limerick City until 30 June. Free. In-person event. All welcome. Details.

Saturday 11 June: Goldenbridge Cemetery Tour, an in-person event. Meet at Richmond Barracks, Inchicore, Dublin 8. 11am to 12:15pm. Need to book. Tickets €10 / €8.

Tuesday 7 June: From Treaty Talks to Fire at the Four Courts, The Irish Civil War Part 1, with Cathy Scuffil. Host: Dublin City Council Historians in-Residence Talk Series, An in-person event at Pembroke Library, Anglesea Road, Dublin 4. 6:30pm to 7:30pm. Free. All welcome, but need to book. Details and booking.

Saturday 11 June: Understanding Irish Places, with John Manning. An online workshop exploring resources to help researchers pinpoint places of origin of their ancestors. Host: Kansas City Irish Center. 10am to Noon CDT. Free. All welcome. Details and registration.

Sunday 12 June Powerful Women in Irish Mythology, with Eimear Burke. An online storytelling event with Q&A. Part of the Doreen Valiente 100th Year Celebration collection from the Doreen Valiente Foundation. Tickets £5.98. All welcome. Details and tickets.