Monday, 23 May 2022

Irish genealogy, history and heritage events, 23 May to 4 June

Monday 23 May: A reception to mark the publication of Irish Archives Vol 27: Innovation, the ISA at 50, edited by Susan Hood and Elizabeth McEvoy, and to be launched by Aideen Ireland, President of ARA. An in-person event hosted by the Irish Society of Archives at the Irish Architectural Archive, 45 Merrion Square, Dublin 2 at 6.30pm. Refreshments will be served. Need to register.

Monday 23 May: The Treaty 1921, the National Archives of Ireland's exhibition is now on tour and will be at County Hall, Carricklawn, Wexford Town, County Wexford until 10 June. Free. In-person event. All welcome. Details.

Monday 23 May: Arctic Ireland : The Great Frost and Forgotten Famine of 1740/41, with Professor David Dickson. An in-person event hosted by the Lurgan Townscape Heritage Scheme. Venue: Brownlow House, Windsor Avenue, Lurgan BT67 9BJ. Free. 7:30pm. Details and booking.

Tuesday 24 May: Past Lives: Spotlight on History of Family, a free online event hosted by the University of Limerick's department of history and part of the Limerick Lifetime Learning Festival. 4pm to 5pm. Three recent graduates of the MA History of Family course present findings from their MA research. All welcome. Need to register for link.

Tuesday 24 May: The Wide Streets Commission, a free online presentation with architectural historian Dr John Montague. First of a series of webinars related to the Dublin Transcription Project. Hosts: Dublin City Library and Archive. 2pm to 3:30pm. Free. All welcome. Need to register.

Tuesday 24 May: Leaving Hearth and Home, an online talk with Natalie Bodle discussing the reasons why so many Ulster-Scots emigrate to North America in the C18th. Follows AGM. Hosted by the Belfast Branch of the North of Ireland Family History Society. AGM 6:30 / talk at c7pm. All welcome. Non-members may email for zoom link.

Tuesday 24 May Researching ancestors in Northern Ireland, an online talk with Vincent Brogan MAGI. Part of DCC's Culture Club 'Ask the Genealogist' series. Free. 11am. Need to book.

Tuesday 24 May: Emigration from the Causeway Coast & Glens area, with Dr Paddy Fitzgerald. An online event hosted by the North of Ireland Family History Society's Causeway Coast and Glens Branch. 7:30pm. Free. All welcome. Non-members should e-mail the branch secretary at to request the zoom link.

Wednesday 25 May: Fragmented Pasts: Re/building fragmented archives, an online event with three presentations. Hosted by the Centre for Early Modern Studies, Limerick. 2pm to 4pm. Free. Need to register.

Thursday 26 May: The National Library of Ireland: History & Heritage, with Katie Foley. An online event providing an introduction to the National Library’s early history and architectural heritage, with a festive twist! 1pm. Free. All welcome. Need to book.

Thursday 26 May: Unlocking the Past – Preserving the Future, a conservation discussion with leading conservators involved in the Beyond 2022 project. An online event hosted bythe Beyond 2022 Project supported by the Trinity Long Room Hub. 7pm to 8:15pm. Free. All welcome. Registration essential.

Thursday 26 May: From Slieve Gallion Brae to the shore of Lough Neave: The place names of mid-Ulster, with Dr Brian Ó Doibhlin delivering the Ulster Place-Name Society's annual Deirdre Flanagan Memorial Lecture. An in-person event. Venue: Queen's University Belfast, BT7 1NN in the Peter Froggatt Centre/0G/007. 7:30pm. Free. Details and registration. Postponed to 2nd June.

Friday 27 May: Front Page News, a lunchtime online event with Ruth Concannon. Hosted by the National Library of Ireland, this talk takes a light-hearted look at social change as seen in the RTÉ Guide for May 1962, 1972, 1982, 1992 and 2002. 1pm. Free. Need to book.

Tuesday 31 May: The Long Land War: Ireland's contribution to the global politics of land, with Jo Guldi. An online event hosted by the National Library of Ireland. 7pm. Free. All welcome but booking required.

Thursday 2 June: Yeats and Theatre: a virtual Exhibition Tour, a free online event hosted by the National Library of Ireland. 1pm. All welcome. Need to register so that zoom link can be sent to you. Free.

Thursday 2 June: Book launch: Unsettled Territory: The 5th battalion in North Meath, 1917-1921, by Frank Cogan. An in-person event hosted by Meath County Library and Meath Archaeological and Historical Society. Venue: County Library, Railway Street, Navan, County Meath. 7:30pm. All welcome. 

Thursday 2 June: From Slieve Gallion Brae to the shore of Lough Neave: The place names of mid-Ulster, with Dr Brian Ó Doibhlin delivering the Ulster Place-Name Society's annual Deirdre Flanagan Memorial Lecture. An in-person event. Venue: Queen's University Belfast, BT7 1NN in the Peter Froggatt Centre/0G/007. 7pm. Free. Details and registration.

Saturday 4 June: The World Turned Upside Down: Lord Edward Fitzgerald, the British Army, and the battle for Irish Freedom, with Stella Tillyard at Castletown House. An in-person event. All welcome. €10. Tickets. Part of the 6th Irish Military Seminar organised by Kildare County Council. Full programme of lectures in venues across the county including Castletown House, Celbridge, Naas and Newbridge Libraries and Newbridge Town Hall, from 4 to 11 June.

Saturday 4 June: Goldenbridge Cemetery Tour, an in-person event. Meet at Richmond Barracks, Inchicore, Dublin 8. Noon to 1:15pm. Need to book. Tickets €10 / €8.