Wednesday, 2 March 2022

Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives: summary of February updates

The Ireland Genealogy Project Archives team uploaded several packages during February, as shown in the summary below. Researchers can search and view records, which are all donated by other researchers, without charge.

Teevan headstonein Annagh Old cemetery. It reads
This monument | was erected by | THOMAS TEEVAN in | memory
of his Fath | er PATRICK TEEVAN | Who departed this | life …
R 10th | 1757 aged 84 years | Also the body of the above |
mentioned THOMAS TEEVAN | Who departed this life | June the
… 1771 aged 73 yrs
Photo courtesy of Raymond Warrington and IGP Archives
Click for larger image.

CORK Genealogy Archives - Headstones
All Saints Cemetery, Whitegate

DUBLIN Genealogy Archives - Headstones
Mount Jerome Cemetery, Part 275 - 278
Deansgrange Cemetery, St Kevin's Section, Pt. 4

CAVAN Genealogy Archives - Headstones
Annagh New Cemetery (Updated)
Annagh Old Cemetery (Updated)
Christ Church Graveyard (CoI), Kidallon (Updated)

FERMANAGH Genealogy Archives - Church Recs
Cleenish (Belnaleck) CoI Marriages, 1845-1921
Irvinestown CoI Marriages 1845-1921
Letterbreen Methodist Marriages 1905-1921
Rossorry CoI Marriages 1845-1921
Tempo Presbyterian Marriages 1845-1919

FERMANAGH Genealogy Archives - Civil Records
Lowtherstown (or Irvinestown) Register Office Marriages, 1845-1921

MONAGHAN Genealogy Archives - Church Recs
Clones Parish Registers, 1755–1759