Friday 4 March 2022

Boiled turnips, anyone? Tipperary Studies adds school roll books

Tipperary Studies, the local studies department of Tipperary County Library, has uploaded free digitised copies of registers and roll books from Ballydrehid NS near Cahir.

BallydrehidNational School, Cookery Course Register

These have joined the library's growing school archives collection

The Ballydrehid NS records span 1872-1922 and note the names of pupils, their addresses, age, religious denomination and parents' occupations. 

In addition to student registers, there are roll books for 'extra subjects': Irish and Mathematics, 1916-17 and 1917-18, and a roll book for the two-year Cookery and Laundry Class 1911-12 in which the syllabus is listed.

Students in the latter course were aged 10 to 15. Among the culinary delights they created in their weekly lessons were boiled bacon and cabbage, boiled turnips, lentil soup and stewed rhubarb.


Another book, dating from 1873 to 1921, lists the staff, monitors and pupil teachers and results of the Inspectors' examinations.

UPDATE, 9 March: A reader of IrishGenealogyNews, John Falvey, has noticed that the school inspector named in the Ballydrehid register is none other than William Henry Welply, noted for his abstracts of Cork wills!