Tuesday, 28 April 2020

Westmeath Genealogy adds second batch of detailed records for Clara & Horseleap parish

Westmeath Genealogy, the Irish Family History Foundation's genealogy centre at the Dún na Sí Heritage Park near Moate, has continued working on its 'lockdown project', adding additional data to its early marriage records for the Roman Catholic parish of Clara & Horseleap, which straddles the county's border with Offaly.

A first batch was uploaded to RootsIreland's Westmeath database two weeks ago (see blogpost), and, rather sooner than I'd expected, a second instalment has been delivered.

https://www.rootsireland.ie/westmeath-genealogy/The updates involve adding the names of witnesses and the precise date of each marriage to the transcriptions already available via the site (these details were not included as part of the original transcription of the local registers).

Any annotations by the priest to individual entries have also been transcribed.

With this second batch now available to search, the fully detailed transcriptions for this parish span from November 1821 to November 1846.

See the full menu of records from Westmeath Genealogy on RootsIreland here.