Thursday, 16 April 2020

From Genetic Genealogy Ireland 2020: 3 free lectures

Was it really only two months ago that Genetic Genealogy Ireland 2020 was held at the Belfast International Conference Centre? Seems an age. Can't think why.

As mentioned in a blogpost in February*, most of the lectures recorded at the two-day event can be viewed on the Family Tree Legacy platform, for which a subscription is required.

However, three additional lectures from that conference have now been uploaded to GGI's YouTube channel, which is free to access.

The three free lectures are:
  • The Power of X to unlock Family Mysteries, with Martin Hayden (51mins)
  • Never Give Up – Miracles Do Happen (adoption), with Cathal McElgunn (1hr 26mins)
  • DNA for Beginners, with Andy Hochreiter (56mins)
In addition to the lectures noted above, the YouTube channel gives free access to all recordings from GGI conferences held from 2013-2018, plus three from 2019.

* The blogpost includes details of the recordings and how to access FTLegacy. Read it here.