Friday 10 April 2020

Just published: New Irish Genealogy Resources 2020

I've published a new edition of my eBook, New Irish Genealogy Resources today. with previous editions, the 2020 booklet breaks down all the record releases to have featured on this blog since 2011 into theme (census, church registers etc) and a county-by-county list of the most relevant record-sets for your research.

Most of the released material is online, and I provide direct links to the specific collection wherever possible, but I also cover some resources that remain accessible only by personal visits to archives and libraries in Ireland.

The cut-off date for entries to this year's edition was Friday 3 April, so it really is up-to-date!

And it's pagination has grown again. This year it's 132 pages, which includes two pages of videos and podcasts on topics likely to be of interest to Irish family historians, especially during the current pandemic.

To find out more about this handy reference eBook, click the cover image.