Wednesday, 15 April 2020

New edition of Irish Genealogy Matters published
The Irish Family History Foundation, the umbrella organisation for Ireland's island-wide network of heritage and genealogy centres, has published its second Irish Genealogy Matters newsletter of 2020.

As the centres are currently closed* and scheduled events either cancelled or on hold, this edition focusses on the records uploaded to the IFHF-managed so far this year. Each of these instalments has been reported here on Irish Genealogy News, of course, but I hadn't really been keeping a mental note of the numbers of records being delivered. So I was impressed when I made a quick calculation from the newsletter's figures: more than 312,000 records have joined the database since January. Not bad at all!

If you have ancestral connections to counties Cork, Kerry and Kilkenny or to North Dublin, check out the details by downloading the newsletter (click the image, right).

* Many are responding to email queries, however.