Thursday, 19 September 2019

TCD launches Tabella: a free online Latin tuition app

Most genealogists encounter some Latin in the course of their research and while a high standard of understanding of the language isn't usually necessary, a decent grounding never goes amiss. Family historians without such a grounding may be interested to check out, a new* site/app from Trinity College Dublin.

Tabella has been released as a free Living Latin project by the Classics Department. It offers free online tuition and uses video and short written lessons to teach Latin through guided reading. It's suitable for those with no former learning of the language as well as for those who may be rusty.

A work in progress, the site currently offers 16 lessons, with subjects such as legal latin, country life, love and hate, death and epitaphs etc, and (under the 'Resources' tab) a series of downloadable pdfs focusing on nouns, pronouns, verbs and the vocabulary used in the lessons.

Additionally, there is a 'Grammar' section which explores the rules and patterns of the language, broken down into 16 grammatical topics such as subordinate clauses, prepositions, sequencing of tenses etc.

If you've been looking to take your first dip into Latin, or need a refresher, check out the site and it's bite-sized lessons.

* I'm not sure when the site/app was launched – I've only just come across it – but the domain name dates only from the end of May.