In this issue, you'll find the following features:-
- Dating Family Photographs From 1840s to the 1860s
- Tracing Your County Longford Ancestors
- Using Rentals As A Family History Resource
- Discover The Irish Immigrants Who Invaded Canada
- DNA Testing - How To Optimise Your Anonymity and Privacy
- Duchas Project - A Window Into The Customs And Folkore Of Ireland
- How A Tiny Scrap Of Newspaper Sparked A Reader's Interest In Her Family History
- Australian Irish Connections: The Victorian Exploring Expedition And Robert O'Hara Burke
Irish Roots is published four times a year in both paper copy format and digital copy. You can purchase single copies or make savings by purchasing a one-year or two-year subscription. Find out more, and download a free sample of the new issue, by clicking the cover image.