Monday 23 September: NLI Reading Room and Manuscript Room closed all day to facilitate the Library's continuing redevelopment of the premises. Venue: National Library of Ireland, Kildare Street, Dublin 2. All other services – exhibitions, cafe, Genealogy Advisory Service – operate as normal. (This is the last 'closure Monday' of the current phase of redevelopment.)
Monday 23 September: Poverty and poor relief in pre-Famine King’s County (Offaly), with Ciarán McCabe. Host and venue: Offaly Historical & Archaeological Society, Bury Quay, Tullamore, co Offaly. 8pm. All welcome.
Monday 23 September: Democratic revolution? The First Dáil, 1919–21, with Mel Farrell. Host and venue: Thomond Archaeological & Historical Society, Room T.1.17, Tara Building, Mary Immaculate College, Limerick. 8pm.
Tuesday 24 September: Troublesome Howth women, with Philip O’Connor. Host: Howth Peninsula Heritage Society. Venue: Angling Centre, West Pier, Howth, Co Dublin. Non-members admission €5. All welcome. 8pm.
Tuesday 24 September: The Genealogy of an Irish Workhouse: Guardians, Staff & Inmates of the Poor Law, with Clare Doyle MAGI. Host and venue: National Archives of Ireland, Bishop Street, Dublin 8. Free. 6pm. No booking required. All welcome.
Tuesday 24 September: GRONI’s Records, with Kathie Walker. Host: North of Ireland Family History Society, Causeway Coast and Glens branch. Venue: Upper Main Hall, The Sandel Centre, Knocklynn Road, Coleraine, BT52 1WT. 8pm. All welcome.
Wednesday 25 September: Irish Family History Assistance. Host: Genealogical Society of Victoria. Venue: GSV Library, Level 6, 85 Queen St., Melbourne 3000, Australia. Experienced helpers in the library to offer advice on your Irish research. 10am to 4pm. Free for members. $30 non-members. Bookable one-hour appointments with a research consultant. Details.
Wednesday 25 September: Roe's Distillery, Thomas Street, and the Roe Family, with Sean J Murphy. Host: The Old Dublin Society. Venue: Dublin City Library and Archive, Pearse Street, Dublin 2. All welcome. Free. 8pm.
Thursday 26 September: From Skibbereen to the Moon: Agnes Clarke and C19th astronomy, with Finola Finlay. Host: Duchas Clonakilty Heritage. Venue: The Parish Centre, Clonakilty, Co Cork. All welcome. 8:30pm. Free. Details.
Thursday 26 September: Irish emigration: New sources, new approaches, new results, with Professor (Emeritus) Cormac Ó Gráda. The Annual Brian Trainor Memorial Lecture. Hosts: PRONI and the Ulster Historical Foundation. Venue: PRONI, Titanic Boulevard, Belfast. 12:30pm to 1:30pm. Light refreshments will be available at the end of the presentation. Admission is free, however there is an option to make a donation to the Ulster Historical Foundation to fund future talks. All welcome. Details.
Thursday 26 September: Cashel, Conservation of the Walls, with Clare Lee. Part of the 'Within and without the walls' lecture series. Host: Cashel Heritage Forum. Venue: Parish Centre, Friar Street, Cashel, co Tipperary. 7.30pm. All are welcome, and admission is free.
Friday 27 September: Michael Collins’s Sligo jail journal, with Phelim Brady. Host: Sligo Field Club. Venue: Institute of Technology Education Centre, Sligo. All welcome. Non-members €5. 8pm.
Friday 27 September: The exiled Waterford merchants and their families in France and Spain 1600–1800, with Liam Murphy. Host: Waterford Archaeological and Historical Society. Venue: St Patrick's Gateway Centre, Patrick St, Waterford City. 8pm. Members free; non-members €5. All welcome.
Friday 27 September to Sunday 29 September: Architecture Kerry 2019, a weekend festival celebrating Kerry's built environment, featuring guided tours of contemporary and historic buildings and interiors. All free events. All welcome. Overview and brochure.
Saturday 28 September: Remembering 1919 – War, Politics and Sport in Revolutionary Ireland, a day conference. Host: Maynooth University Decade of Commemorations Committee in association with the Department of History. Venue: Maynooth University, Renehan Hall, South Campus, Maynooth, Co Kildare. Registration fee (including refreshments & lunch): €20, payable in cash on the day. Schedule and booking.
Monday 30 September: All services and exhibitions operating at National Library of Ireland. After many months of Monday Reading Room and Manuscript Room closures, all areas of the NLI open.
Tuesday 1 October: The Victorian Church in Dublin, with Alastair Rowan. First of the Victorian Dublin Revealed lecture series. Hosts: The Irish Georgian Society and Dublin City Heritage Office. Venue: Irish Georgian Society, City Assembly House, 58 South William Street, Dublin 2. Fee €15. All welcome. 6:30pm. Booking required. Brochure.
Tuesday 1 October: Who Do You Think You Are? An introduction to the genealogy resources of Donegal Co. Council's Culture Division. Host: Donegal Connect. Venue: Donegal Public Service Centre, Drumlonagher, Donegal Town. One-hour talks at 10am, 11:30am and 1pm. Free. Need to book. See details.
Wednesday 2 October: Jews and Protestants in Dublin in 1919, with Berni Dwan, Ida Milne and Melanie Brown. Part of the Dublin in the Era of the Tan War series. Host: Near 90.3fm. Venue: Ballymun Library, 9 Ballymun Rd, Ballymun, Dublin 9. Doors open 6:15 for 6:30pm start. Evening includes music. Free. All welcome.
Thursday 3 October: Family History Sources at the Registry of Deeds, a guided tour. Host: Property Registration Authority of Ireland. Venue: Registry of Deeds, Henrietta Street, Dublin 1. 1-2pm. Free but need to book your place. Fully Booked.
Thursday 3 October: Limerick and other 'Soviets', with Donal Fallon. Host: Dublin City Libraries. Venue: Ballyfermot Library, Ballyfermot Rd, Kylemore, Dublin. Admission free. All welcome. 6.30pm. Need to book.
Saturday 5 October: Aspects of Ireland’s Post War Conflict: The Life and Death of Terence MacSwiney. Host: Western Front Association. Venue: Room 103 of the Cork School of Commerce, Morrisons Island, Centre, Cork. 7:30pm. All welcome.
Saturday 5 October: An Irish house history, with Chris Paton. Host: Lanarkshire Family History Show. Venue: Motherwell Concert Hall, Windmillhill Street, Motherwell, Scotland ML1 1AB. Admission £2. Lecture £3. All show visitors and exhibitors welcome. 10:30am. No booking required. Details.
Saturday 5 October: Starting Your Genealogy, a day course, with Rosemary Sibbett. Host and Venue: North of Ireland Family History Society, C4 Research Centre and Library, Valley Business Centre, 67 Church Road, Newtownabbey, Co. Antrim, BT36 7LS. Free parking. Members and non-members welcome. Fee £14 Two sessions: 11am to 1pm and 2pm to 4pm. Lunch not provided but there's a cafe in the centre. Need to book.