Glin Union Board of Guardians Minute Books date from 1893 to 1921. This union straddles Limerick and Kerry county boundaries. In 1891 it was decided to adapt the Union's workhouse into an Industrial School for children up to age 15 who had been placed in the workhouses of five regional unions: Croom, Newcastle West, Kilmallock , Limerick City and Listowel. The first intake of children were admitted in 1895. The early books record preparation for the change to a school. Later miutes note the numbers of pupils and petty disbursements and reports from the Master, Matron and Doctor. There are six pdf files to download. Summary and download link
Kilmallock Union Board of Guardians Minute Books date from 1839 to 1922. This union was previously known as Bruff Union. The books record the monthly and (from February 26 1841) weekly meetings of the Board. They concentrate mainly on the administration and finance of the Union. They also include population figures in the Union in each decade, returns of the number of paupers admitted to or discharged from the workhouse, and week by week figures of the numbers of sick, births and deaths there. Summary and download links.
Minute Books from the Board of Guardians in Newcastle West Union will be uploaded during the summer.