Tuesday, 4 June 2019

IrishGenealogy.ie updates its online civil bmd records

IrishGenealogy.ie, the state-managed free online database of civil birth, marriage and death records, has been updated with most of the collection's outstanding indexes and register images.

As of today, the site provides free access to the following civil records (the new additions are shown in parenthesis):

Births: 1864 to 1918 indexes and register images (1917 & 1918)
Marriages: 1864 to 1943 indexes and register images (register images 1864-1869; indexes and register images 1942 & 1943)
Deaths: 1864 to 1878 indexes only; 1879-1968 indexes and register images (indexes and register images 1967 & 1968)

Still outstanding are:

Marriages (non-Roman Catholic only): 1845 to 1863 register images
Deaths: 1864 to 1878 register images

No news on when the outstanding records will be available.
