Tuesday, 25 June 2019

Local and regional museums receive exhibition grants

The Minister for Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Josepha Madigan TD, has announced a series of small grants for local and regional museums. Total funding of €138,100 is being made available under the Regional Museum Exhibitions Scheme 2019.

Nineteen projects out of twenty two are benefitting, including the Irish Workhouse Centre in Portumna, Galway for an exhibition reflecting the diverse cultural and historical background of the Irish workhouse system; the Little Museum of Dublin’s project called Remember, recording stories from museum visitors of past memories that they are reminded of on their tour of the museum; and Kerry Cultural & Literary Centre, for an exhibition focussing on the history of Listowel and North Kerry through the ages.

"These cultural bodies are often run on relatively modest budgets and to be in a position to offer support is a very positive thing", said Minister Madigan. "These bodies are often central focus points within the community and it is vital that they are supported in their role as guardians and narrators of our cultural heritage.

"The funding provided under this scheme over the past few years has allowed these cultural entities to continue to enhance the presentation of their exhibitions which, in turn, improves the cultural offering of the communities they serve.”

You can download the full list of successful projects here