Tuesday, 29 May 2018

Tipperary Studies's digitisation project: new releases

From the Milton-Damer rental
Tipperary Studies, the online home of Tipperary Libraries’ Local Studies department, has uploaded some newly digitised items that will be of interest to family historians with connections to the county. They are all free to download.

Among them is a rental for the Milton-Damer estate in Roscrea dating from 1787 to 1798. Click the link to download the 104Mb pdf file.

Another potential gem is a Tithe record book for Ardmayle–Ballysheehan dating from 1790 to 1801. The pdf is 29Mb.

In addition, for sports enthusiasts and those with sporting ancestors, there is now a run of 66 county hurling final programmes from 1949 to 2017 available to view.