Tuesday, 1 May 2018

Famine & emigration conference, Portumna, 5 May

https://www.facebook.com/kierantuohysculptor/photos/pcb.1895631960550566/1895625527217876/?type=3&theaterThe Irish Workhouse Centre in Portumna is holding a conference – Far and Away: The Great Hunger and the Emigrant Experience – this coming Saturday (5 May).

Sponsored by Waterways Ireland, the conference will also explore the part played by Ireland's waterways in the Famine and emigration of so many Irish people.

The programme will run as follows:

9:30Registration, tea/coffee and biscuits
9:45Special welcome, with Dolores O'Shea
10:00Escape on the water: Portumna's Maritime Superhighway, with Donal Boland
10:40Ireland and Australia: the career of Captain Arthur Edward Kennedy, with Dr Ciaran O Murchadha
11:40The ship 'Palatine' – Mountbellow girls sent to Austalia, with Paula Kennedy
12:20One Woman's Story: Mary-Ann Taylor, with William Marwick
13:00Snack lunch, visit Dark Shadows exhibition, and tours of the Workhouse
14:00The Irish in C19th Australia, with Aron Donnelly
15:30Path across the ocean: Songs/poems of the Great Hunger and the exiled Irish, with Johnny Johnson

The conference is free to attend with donations to the workhouse museum.

To see the full brochure, click the image.