Monday 12 February: Dr George Cumming: a United Irishman, with Eddy Lowe. Host: Carryduff Historical Society. Venue: Committee Room, Lough Moss Leisure Centre, Hillsborough Road, Carryduff, Co Down. 8pm. All welcome. Members free. Non-members £2.
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Irish Family History events this fortnight |
Monday 12 February: Research Workshop: Using the National Library. Host & Venue: National Library of Ireland, Kildare Street, Dublin 2. 5:30pm. Free. To reserve a place, contact: or 01 6030 259/346. Details.
Tuesday 13 February: Pottery and trade connections in medieval Cork. Host and venue: St Peter's Cork, North Main Street, Cork City. 5pm. All welcome.
Tuesday 13 February: The photograph as a historical source, with John Lynch. North of Ireland Family History Society, Lisburn Branch. Venue: The Bridge Community Centre, 50 Railway Street, Lisburn, BT28 1XP. 7:30pm. Free. All welcome.
Tuesday 13 February: An update on the Irish DNA Atlas, with Ed Gilbert. Host: Genealogical Society of Ireland. Venue: Dun Laoghaire Further Education Institute, Cumberland St, Dun Laoghaire, Co Dublin. 8pm. All welcome. €3.
Tuesday 13 February: The Brewer's Tale, with Christina Wade. Host: More Tales of Medieval Dublin lecture series. Venue: Wood Quay Venue, Dublin City Council, Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8. 1:05–1:55pm. Free. All welcome.
Wednesday 14 February: A life of crime: Stealing books in 18th- and 19th-century Ireland, with Dr James McElliott. Host: Old Dublin Society. Venue: Dublin City Library & Archive, Pearse Street, Dublin 1. Free admission. All welcome. 6pm.
Thursday 15 February: The impact of having Sighle Humphreys as a grandmother and The O'Rahilly as great grand uncle, with Manchan Magan. Host: Glasnevin Trust and Trinity College Dublin Winter Lecture Series 2018. Venue: Glasnevin Musum's Milestone Gallery, Finglas Road, Glasnevin, Dublin 11. 7pm. All welcome. €10. Booking required.
Thursday 15 February: Ballyvorheen House: A History from Cromwell to Cosgrave, with John Hassett. Host: Murroe-Boher Historical Society. Venue: Muintir na Tíre Hall, Murroe, Co Limerick. Starts 8:30pm. All welcome. Members free. Admission €5 to non-members (including refreshments).
Friday 16 February: Dublin as a global city, 1600-2017, with Professor Kevin Whelan. Host: Princess Grace Irish Library. Venue: Princess Grace Irish Library, 9 rue Princesse Marie-de-Lorraine, Monaco. Reservations are essential due to the limited number of seats. Admission €10 payable on the door. Details.
Friday 16 February and Saturday 17 February Back To Our Past and Genetic Genealogy Ireland. Exhibition and fair, and two conferences: traditional genealogy and genetic genealogy. Venue: Titanic Suite, Titanic Belfast. Belfast. 10am – 5pm each day, admission £10. See lecture schedules and further details on organiser's website.
Saturday 17 February: Not all Irish were Catholic, with Audrey Leonard. Host: Irish Genealogical Society International. Venue: Celtic Junction Arts Center, 836 Prior Avenue North, St Paul, Minnesota, USA. All welcome. 10:30am. $15 for IGSI members/$20 for non-members. Register or simply turn up on the day.
Saturday 17 February: Griffith’s Valuation and other Irish land and property records, a Level II, Intermediate seminar with Miles Davenport. Host: Irish Cultural Centre & McClelland Irish Library. Venue: McClelland Library's Norton Room, 1106 N. Central Avenue, Phoenix, Arizona, USA. 10:30am to 1:00pm. Members $15/non-members $20. (The seminar will be held again on 14 April - registration is not yet open.) Details.
Sunday 18 February: Irish Historical Walking Tour of central London. Host: Wolfe Tone Society London. Meeting venue: German Gymnasium, 1 King's Blvd, N1C 4BU London. Noon – 2:30pm. Free. All welcome. No booking. Just turn up.
Monday 19 February: NLI Reading Room and Manuscript Room closed. Venue: National Library of Ireland, Kildare Street, Dublin 2. On-going Monday closures are to facilitate extensive redevelopment of the premises. All other services/exhibitons/cafe, including Genealogy Advisory Service operating as normal. Details.
Monday 19 February: The History of the Kelly Family from 1820 (Kelly Coal Boats), with Kelly Wilson. Host: North of Ireland Family History Society, Larne branch. Larne Bowling & Lawn Tennis Club, 112-120 Glenarm Road, Larne, BT40 1DZ. Visitors £3. Refreshments provided. 7:30pm.
Tuesday 20 February to Thursday 22 February: Trinity Secondhand Booksale. Host and venue: Trinity College Dublin, Examination Hall, Dublin 2. Starts Noon Tuesday. Ends lunchtime Thursday. Auction on Tuesday, 5:30pm.
Tuesday 20 February: Childhood and youth in Ireland from 1740, with Dr Sarah Anne Buckley. Host: Tipperary People & Places Lecture Series. Venue: Tipperary Studies, The Source, Cathedral Street, Thurles, Co Tipperary. 7:30pm. Admission free. Tea served. All welcome. More details
Tuesday 20 February: The early industrial heritage of Cork City, with Colin Rynne. Part of the 'Cork: Origins of a City' public talks series. Host and venue: St Peter's Cork, North Main Street, Cork City. 5pm. All welcome.
Wednesday 21 February: The development of the Linen industry in the Upper Bann Valley, with Plunkett Campbell. Host: North of Ireland Family History Society, North Armagh branch. Venue: Bleary Community Centre, 1 Deans Road, Bleary, Craigavon, Co Armagh, BT66 7AS. 7:30pm. All welcome. Free.
Wednesday 21 February: The Great War through the eyes of the poets, with Jim Shannon. Host: Carlow Historical and Archaeological Society. Venue: Leighlin Community Centre, St Lazerian's Street, Ballyknockan, Leighlinbridge, Co Carlow. 8pm.
Thursday 22 February: National Library of Ireland: Delayed opening. To facilitate a staff meeting, the NLI will not open until 11am. All NLI venues/services are affected, including Genealogy Advisory Service.
Thursday 22 February: Early Medieval Ireland, and book launch, with Matthew Stout. Host: Offaly Historical and Archaeological Society. Venue: Offaly History Centre, Bury Quay, Tullamore, Co Offaly. 8pm. Refreshments after lecture. All welcome. €2 members/€5 non-members. No need to book.
Thursday 22 February: Catholic/Irish/Protestant: Religious history and religious identity in Ireland 1600–2000, with Professor Alan Ford. The Annual Bishop Francis Mac Kiernan Memorial Lecture. Host: Cavan County Council's Library Service. Venue: Johnston Central Library, Farnham Street, Cavan. 7pm. Admission is free and all are welcome. No need to book.
Thursday 22 February: The Watchmen – Crime & Policing in Early-19th-century Monaghan, with Noel Campbell. Host and venue: Monaghan County Museum, 1-2 Hill Street, Monaghan. Free. 8pm. No booking.
Friday 23 February: Cartoon representations of John Redmond, 1906–1916, with Dr Úna Ní Bhroiméil. A special lecture marking the centenary of the death of John Redmond, MP for Waterford, in March 1918. Host: Waterford Historical Society. Venue: St Patrick's Gateway Centre, Patrick Street, Waterford City. 8pm. All welcome. Members free/non-members €5.
Sunday 25 February: Free genealogy help session. Host and venue: Library of the Irish American Heritage Center, 4626 N Knox Avenue, Chicago, IL 60630, USA. From 1pm to 4pm. Free. All welcome.