Thursday, 15 September 2016

Time for a break

The past week or so has been like Christmas for Irish genealogists, as a quick look through recent blogposts will testify.

While I'm as delighted as the next researcher to have all these shiny new resources at my disposal, keeping up with the steady stream of record releases and other developments has taken a toll. Since early summer, I've been trying to spin far too many work plates, and I've now reached a point where, if I don't re-focus on the day job and my other commitments, I'm going to end up surrounded by a lot of broken crockery.

As far as I'm aware, there's nothing else of any great significance in the Irish family history pipe, so, while everyone is happy, absorbed and playing nicely with their new genealogy toys, I'm going to take a 'Christmas' break from the blog and all-things-genealogy. A week or two will (I hope) allow me to clear at least the most pressing elements of the backlog.

Hasta la vista.