Friday, 1 July 2016

FindMyPast adds Brtish military records & Canadian census

FindMyPast has added the following new records to its database today:

WW1 Officers and Household Cavalry 1801–1919
An additional 1,670,000 records have been added to the British Army Service Records collections. They include the records of officers who served during World War 1 and men who served with the famous Household Cavalry between 1801 and 1919.

RAF Gallantry medals from WW1
This is an index of 3,714 RAF members awarded gallantry medals during WW1. The index includes name, rank, service number and the date his medal award was published in the London Gazette.

Census of Canada 1911
Holding some 6.7million records, this collection covers census returns for all ten provinces and two territories (Yukon Territory and Northwest Territories). As with most census records, these allow you to discover where your ancestor was living, their birth place, age, marital status, occupation and much more.