Monday, 11 July 2016

Irish genealogy and history events, 11 – 24 July

Monday 11 to Saturday 16 July: Northern Ireland genealogy. This week includes a bank holiday when many repositories and libraries in Northern Ireland will be closed. Some are closed just for just two days, others for the entire week. See details on blogpost.

Tuesday 12 July: 1392: The Attack on St Thomas’s Abbey by the Citizens of Dublin, with Aine Foley. Host: Friends of Medieval Dublin / Milestones of Medieval Dublin Lunchtime Lectures series. Venue: Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8. 1:05–1:50pm. Free. No booking. All welcome.

Tuesday 12 July: The Irish DNA Atlas – a Study of Genetic Diversity in Ireland, with Ed Gilbert. Host: Genealogical Society of Ireland. Venue: Dún Laoghaire Further Education Institute, Cumberland Street, Dún Laoghaire, Dublin 18. 8–10pm. All Welcome. €3.

Wednesday 13 July: The Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland and the Easter Rising, with Meadhbh Murphy. Launch of Surgeons and Insurgents exhibition and talk, followed by wine reception. Host: Dublin City Public Libraries. Venue: Dublin City Library & Archive, 138-144 Pearse Street, Dublin 2. 6pm. All welcome. No booking, but arrive early to ensure a place.

Wednesday 13 July: Researching the Rising Workshop, with Dr Emma Edwards. Advice on researching the National Library's collections. Host and venue: National Library of Ireland, Kildare Street, Dublin 2. suitable for anyone looking to embark on a research project or to enhance research skills in navigating the catalogue, accessing the various collections and interpreting the sources. 11am. Free. Need to book. Details.

Wednesday 13 July: Revealing its story through excavation, with Dr Ann Lynch. The Hill of Tara Lecture Series. Venue: Hill of Tara Visitor Centre, Tara, Co Meath. No booking but seating is limited so come early. Free. 8pm.

Thursday 14 July: WWI Ireland: Exploring the Irish Experience, an exhibition tour. Host and venue: National Library of Ireland, 2/3 Kildare Street, Dublin 2. Booking is not required. All welcome. 2pm.

Saturday 16 July: Using databases to research your information, with Mary Wickersham. Host: Irish Genealogical Society International (IGSI). Venue: Minnesota Genealogical Society Library, 1185 Concord St. N, South St. Paul, Minnesota, USA. 10:30am to 12 noon. Need to register. Class fee is $15 for IGSI members and $20 for non-members.

Monday 18 July: Genealogy information sessions, with Margaret Bonar and Elizabeth Craven. Morning and afternoon sessions. Morning venue: Raheny Library, Howth Rd, Dublin 5 from 10:30am to 11:45am. Afternoon venue: Donaghmede library, Donaghmede Shopping Centre, Dublin 13 from 2:30pm to 4pm. Free. Bookings to 085 1444883 or

Tuesday 19 July: History Ireland Hedge School: Battle of the Somme. Host and venue: National Library of Ireland, Kildare Street, Dublin 2. History Ireland editor Tommy Graham and panel discuss the WW1 battle. All welcome. 7pm. Booking not required.

Wednesday 20 July:
National Archives of Scotland, Ireland & Wales online. Host: Genealogical Society of Victoria. Venue: Level B1 257 Collins Street, Melbourne 3000, Australia. Members free/Non-members $20. 1:30–2:30pm. Need to book.

Saturday 23 July: Tracing Irish Ancestors - for Intermediate-Advanced Researchers, with Roz McCutcheon FIGRS and Jill Williams FIGRS. Host and Venue: Society of Genealogists, 14 Charterhouse Buildings, Goswell Road, London EC1, UK. 10:30 to 5pm. Fee. Fully booked.

Sunday 24 July: Dublin's deadliest place & Bully's Acre & a guided tour with Paul O'Brien. Host: Royal Hospital Kilmainham. Venue: Grounds of the Royal Hospital, Military Road, Kilmainham, Dublin 8. 2pm. Numbers limited. Booking essential. E: T: 087 1169347.