Friday, 17 June 2016

Sizeable top-ups to FindMyPast's Irish collections

FindMyPast has topped up two of its largest Irish collections with nearly 900,000 new records.

Irish Petty Sessions Court Registers: The originals of this collection are held by the National Archives of Ireland and hold the records of Ireland's lowest court, the equivalent of today's District and Magistrate courts. With no jury, it dealt with less serious criminal and civil cases such as public nuisance, drunkeness, neighbour disputes and the like. For more details about the collection, see the Petty Sessions page on my Irish Genealogy Toolkit website.

The top-up delivers a final 547,000 new records to the fully-indexed collection available as part of the FindMyPast Ireland and World subscription packages. You can find a list of the courts and their respective years of coverage, here.

Irish Dog Licences: More than 343,000 records dating from 1865 have been added to this collection. Holding more than 6 million records, the collection makes a useful census substitute as the indexed entries note the name and address of the dog's owner as each licence was issued by the Petty Sessions Court. (The registers form part of the Petty Sessions Court Registers; they have been split from the main collection for the purposes of online searching.)

In addition, details of the dog – breed, age and colour – are included, which may not move your genealogical research forward but adds some colour to your family history.

Irish Poor Law Reports: This collection consists of six titles reporting on the administration of the Irish Poor Law. An additional 1,000 'records' have been added; there's been no detail provided of what they are.