Thursday, 9 June 2016

FamilySearch explains removal of online access

Following my blogpost entitled 'FamilySearch restricts access to image-only collections', which was published at the tail-end of May and related to Valuation Office Surveyors' Books, FamilySearch has sent Irish Genealogy News the following statement:

'Whenever possible, FamilySearch International seeks to offer the broadest possible access to its vast collections of records and images. However, ultimate rights to view record collections online are granted by the record custodian or FamilySearch partner.

'If online access restrictions are required under contract by a partner or record custodian, the restricted collections are, in most cases, still accessible to anyone through the Family History Library, a local FamilySearch Family History Center worldwide, or channels of the partnering organization. If collection restrictions exist, they are typically noted in the FamilySearch Catalog online or in FamilySearch search results.

'In the event a restricted collection was incorrectly given broader access than permitted under contract, upon notification of the error, FamilySearch will take immediate action to ensure the proper level of access is provided. We apologize for any inconveniences this has caused you as a FamilySearch patron.'