Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Ulster Historical Foundation settles in to new home

As you'll remember from previous blogposts, the Ulster Historical Foundation relocated to a new home in Belfast's city centre in January. After all the packing and unpacking involved in such a major move, the team is now pretty well settled in (some soon-to-be-fitted shelving will add the final touches) and it's already clear that the move to bigger and more central accommodation has been hugely positive.

Executive director Fintan Mullan has written an informative blogpost about how the move has impacted on the Foundation's ability to offer more personal consultations, host guided research sessions, and facilitate in-house presentations. Take a read here.

A significant percentage of the costs of the move has been funded by the Foundation's Buy a Brick campaign, and there's a relatively small amount of £2,125 still required to hit target. The virtual bricks cost £25 (about €32/US$36) each. Please consider buying one. It's for a really good cause – the UHF is an educational charity and does some great work not just for individual clients who want to know more about their ancestors, but also through its annual North American lecture tour, its annual conferences (June and September), its publication of history and genealogy books, its family history courses and its transcription and upload of records to the RootsIreland.ie database.

Even if you don't have any family connections to Ulster, please think about making a donation.