Thursday, 21 April 2016

AncestryDNA offers 20% discount to USA researchers
Offer has expired.
To mark DNA Day, is offering a very useful 20% off the cost of its tests.

DNA Day is an annual commemoration of the completion of the Human Genome Project in April 2003 and the discovery of DNA's double helix in 1953. It will fall on Monday 25 April, and this discount offer ends the following day. 

This offer is available only to researchers with addresses in the USA.

The discount reduces the price from $99 to $79, with postage and package costs added. Click the Order Now button for full terms and conditions.

Incidentally, Ancestry announced its first quarter 2016 results yesterday (see official press release) and this says the AncestryDNA database is fast approaching 2million samples tested. That's an awful lot of potential matches to help you unravel your Irish roots!