Wednesday, 19 August 2015

Jillian van Turnhout publishes family history booklets

Jillian van Turnhout
Independent Senator Jillian van Turnhout is best known to the public for her work for children's rights and protection, but she's also an avid family historian.

She has compiled several booklets telling the stories of different branches or specific individuals in her family tree and has uploaded them to her website (see

Her neat and well-arranged presentations may be of interest to other researchers, especially those who find the prospect of writing down their ancestral stories rather over-whelming. They may find they can modify Jillian's approach to suit the tales of their own families.

I also like the way Jillian has included her unresolved research queries in the booklets. This invites other researchers to contact her if they can provide answers or direct her towards sources for solutions.