Monday, 3 August 2015

Irish family history and heritage events, 3–16 August

Monday 3 August: Sligo and Home Rule, 1886-1812, with Dr Padraig Deignan. Part of the Ballymote Heritage Weekend. Venue: The Teagasc Centre, Tubbercurry Road, Ballymote, Co Sligo. 8:30pm. €10.

Tuesday 4 August: The Irish DNA Atlas, with Gianpiero Cavalleri. Genealogy at Lunchtime lecture series at the National Library of Ireland, Kildare Street, Dublin 2. 1–2pm. Free. No booking required.

Wednesday 5 August: Their Lonely Graves – Gallipoli 1915, with Philip Orr. Part of Féile an Phobail. Host: The 6th Connaught Rangers Research Group. Venue: Falls Road Library, Falls Rd, Belfast BT12 4PD. 2pm

Wednesday 5 August and Thursday 6 August: Cavan and the American Civil War, a two-day event hosted by Cavan Librairies. Venue: Johnston Central Library, Farnham Centre, Farnham Street, Cavan. For details, telephone Johnston Central Library on +353 (0)49 4378500.

Thursday 6 August: The Fighting Irish, a story in words and music about Irish people who have fought in American armies in the Civil War, with Myles Dungan and Matthew Gilsenan. Venue: Town Hall, Cavan. 8pm.

Thursday 6 August: Walking tour of Belfast City Cemetery (2 hours), with Tom Hartley. Part of Féile an Phobail. Falls Road (junction of Whiterock Road), Belfast. All welcome. £5, pay at gate. Starts 1pm.

Thursday 6 August: The Famine and the Shankill District, with Dr Francis Costello and Dr Gerard MacAtasney. Part of Féile an Phobail. Venue: Shankill Library, 298-300 Shankill Rd, Belfast BT13 2BN. Free. 12:30pm. All welcome.

Thursday 6 August: Secrets of the Bog bodies, with Dr Eamonn P Kelly. Genealogy at Lunchtime lecture series at the National Library of Ireland, Kildare Street, Dublin 2. 1–2pm. Booking is not required. All welcome. Admission is free.

Thursday 6 August: Walking tour of Milltown Cemetery (2 hours). Part of Féile an Phobail. Meet at Milltown Cemetery, 546 Falls Rd, Belfast BT12 6EQ, at 11am. £5, pay at gate. All welcome.

Saturday 8 August: Genealogy Jumpstart for the Reluctant Irish. Host and Venue: Irish Railroad Workers Museum, 920 Lemmon Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21223, USA. 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM EDT. $10. Register.

Saturday 6 August: Walking tour of Milltown Cemetery (2 hours). Part of Féile an Phobail. Meet at Milltown Cemetery, 546 Falls Rd, Belfast BT12 6EQ at 11am. £5, pay at gate. All welcome.

Saturday 8 August: Walking tour of Belfast City Cemetery (2 hours), with Tom Hartley. Part of Féile an Phobail. Falls Road (junction of Whiterock Road), Belfast. All welcome. £5, pay at gate. Starts 1pm. 

Tuesday 11 August: Researching Your Civil War Ancestors, with Dennis Northcott. Hosts: St Louis Genealogical Society and St Louis County Library. Venue: Auditorium, St Louis County Library Headquarters, 1640 N Lindbergh Blvd, St Louis, Missouri 63132, USA. Doors will open at 6:30 and the meeting will start promptly at 7 pm. Free and open to the public. Details.

Tuesday 11 August: Family history and genealogy sessions, with Margaret Bonar and Betty Craven. Donaghmede Library, Donaghmede Shopping Centre, Grange Road, Dublin 13. All are welcome and admission is free. 2:30pm to 4pm. Booking is essential, tel: 085 1444883.

Tuesday 11 August: DNA Today, with Margaret Jordan MAGI. Third of the 'Your Ancestors and the Nation’s Archives' lecture series presented by Accredited Genealogists Ireland (AGI) and the National Archives of Ireland. Venue: Reading Room, National Archives of Ireland, Bishop Street, Dublin 8. 5:15pm. Free but need to book by email: Everyone welcome.

Tuesday 11 August: Irish Surnames, a family heirloom, with Paul MacCotter MAGI. Genealogy at Lunchtime series of lectures. Host and Venue: National Library of Ireland, Kildare Street, Dublin 2. 1–2pm. Free. No booking. All welcome.

Thursday 13 August: Heraldry: obscure mediaeval mumbo-jumbo, or valid genealogical technique? with Bruce Durie. Genealogy at Lunchtime series of lectures. Host and Venue: National Library of Ireland, Kildare Street, Dublin 2. 1–2pm. Free. No booking. All welcome.

Thursday 13 August: In the Eyes of Ireland: Eye Diseases of our Saints, Scholars, Sinners and Soldiers, with Dr Tim Horgan. Host: Dingle Historical Society. Venue: Dingle Benners Hotel, Main Street, Dingle, Co Kerry. 8pm. All welcome.

Thursday 13 August: 1204–29: The construction of Dublin Castle, with Con Manning. Milestones of Medieval Dublin monthly lunchtime lectures series hosted by the Friends of Medieval Dublin. Venue: Wood Quay Venue, Dublin City Council Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8. 1:05pm–1:45pm. Admission free. NO booking is necessary.

Friday 14 August: Finding your Irish ancestors, a beginner level talk. Part of the National Family History Month series at New South Wales Public Library, Macquarie St, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia 10:30am to 11:30am. Free, but booking is essential. Details.

Saturday 15 August: Love and marriage since the Famine, a History Ireland Hedge School. Host and Venue: Merriman Summer School, Glór Theatre, Ennis, Co. Clare. On the panel: Willie Smyth, Sandra McAvoy, Linda Connolly, Tom Inglis. 8:30pm.

Sunday 16 August: Murder or execution? The final year and death of Roger Casement, with Conor Dodd. Host and venue: Glasnevin Museum,Finglas Road, Dublin 11. 2:30pm. Tickets €10.