Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Genealogy events during Heritage Week in Ireland

National Heritage Week kicks off in 10 days, so it's time to start sorting out your diaries and, where necessary, getting your name on the 'booked' list.

If they haven't already been pocketed, printed copies of the event guides should still be available, free of charge, at local Failte Ireland Tourist Offices, libraries, OPW sites, heritage centres, NPWS sites, County Council offices, museums and Bus Eireann stations. If you can't find a hard copy, you can find details of all the events online. Full listings and a search facility can be found at, and you can download pdf copies of events by county here.

Heritage Week events start on Saturday 22 August.

I made a list of most of the genealogy/family history events from that date and originally published them below.

From Monday 24 August, I've moved them to a new blogpost: Irish Genealogy & Heritage events, 24 August to 6 September.