Monday, 17 August 2015

Irish genealogy, history & heritage events, 17–30 Aug

Monday 17 August: Genealogy evening. Using naming patterns to find your ancestors, with Craig L Foster; Whiskey families – a rich history in Cork, with Eric W Ryan; Brideprice, handfasting and merry wives: how understanding marriage patterns and traditions can help family history, with Craig L Foster. Venue: Lecture Theatre, Geography Building, UCC, O'Donovan's Road, Cork. 4:30pm to 8pm. All welcome.

Tuesday 18 August: Using maps for thinking about history, with Kevin Whelan. Genealogy at Lunchtime series of lectures. Host and Venue: National Library of Ireland, Kildare Street, Dublin 2. 1–2pm. Free. No booking. All welcome.

Tuesday 18 August: Early Irish Land Usage & Records, with Beryl O’Gorman & Maureen Doyle. Host and Venue: Genealogical Society of Victoria, Meeting Room, Level B1/257 Collins Street, Melbourne, Australia. 10:30am to 12:30pm. Members $20/Non-members $40. Booking essential.

Thursday 20 August: Belfast Blitz, with Brian Barton. Part of the Eastside Arts Festival. Venue: PRONI, Titanic Boulvevard, Belfast. 1pm. Free. Reserve your place by email to or telephone 028 90534800.

Thursday 20 August: Social geography – Was there a Protestant exodus from the south of Ireland? with Andy Bielenberg. Genealogy at Lunchtime series of lectures. Host and Venue: National Library of Ireland, Kildare Street, Dublin 2. 1–2pm. Free. No booking. All welcome.

Friday 21 August: History v. archaeology: is it like Neanderthal versus Homo sapiens? a History Ireland Hedge School. Host and Venue: Rathmichael Summer School, National School, Stonebridge Road, Shankill, Dublin 18. On the panel: Franc Myles, Tom Condit, Seán Duffy, Robert Chapple. 8pm.

Friday 21 and Saturday 22 August: The Genealogy Event. Talks, roundables, workshops, consultations on traditional genealogy and DNA research, plus social events. Venue: Woodlands House Hotel, Adare, Co Limerick. Sponsors:, Irish Ancestry Research Centre. 10:30am–4pm both days. Booking required. Admission: €10-€30. Details.

Heritage Week, from Saturday 22 August to Saturday 30 August: See my seperate events list.