Wednesday, 5 August 2015

Enniscorthy News/Wexford Advertiser joins BNA Irish newspaper has been added to the online database of the British Newspaper Archive. This time, it's the turn of the Enniscorthy News, and County of Wexford Advertiser.

So far, more than 400 editions of the weekly paper have been uploaded. They span from March 1861 to December 1871, but exclude all editions published in 1866, 1869 and 1870.

The addition of this title brings the number of Irish papers now available in the database to 75.

Under normal circumstances, I would advise you that access to this paper is included in a FindMyPast Ireland or World subscription, but this title (together with the Missionary Herald Of The Presbyterian Church In Ireland, added to the BNA last month) is not yet appearing in the FindMyPast Irish newspaper list. Presumably this will be sorted out in due course.