Wednesday, 2 July 2014

WW1 Roadshow at Trinity College Dublin, 12 July

On Saturday 12 July, a World War One Roadshow will be held at Trinity College Dublin. It's hosted by RTE, TCD and the National Library of Ireland, and features a day-long programme of events that include short talks, WW1 cookery demonstrations, music, theatre, full-length lectures, family activities and genealogy advice.

The latter will be provided in the Trinity Long Room Hub from 10am to 4pm by Timeline Research, FindMyPast and others, and Nicola Morris, MAPGI, will give a brief introduction to Searching for your WW1 Ancestors at 10:50am in one of the scheduled 'pop up' (15-minute) talks.

At 11:30am, Catriona Crowe of the National Archives of Ireland will give a short talk about the Soldiers' Wills collection, a record set which is now freely available on the NAI's Genealogy website.

In addition, the programme features a Family Memorabilia event. Members of the public are invited to bring along items relating to World War 1 to be catalogued for an online European archive. Experts from the National Library of Ireland will be on hand to review and record memorabilia. Booking for this component is essential (update: fully subscribed at 7 July).

Download the full programme (pdf).