Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Create your own family's WDYTYA? story online

Findmypast and TV Production company Wall to Wall are planning to mark 10 years of the internationally successful Who Do You Think You Are? TV programme by launching a commercial website and online product: the 'Who Do You Think You Are? Story'.

This site will allow family historians of all levels to create their own personalised Who Do You Think You Are? story quickly and easily, and share it with friends and family. The researcher adds details about their own immediate family and the 'Who Do You Think You Are? Story' will create a unique visual representation. This will feature key events in the family's history but will also pull in contemporary issues which would have impacted on the individuals' lives.

Wall to Wall has commissioned Findmypast to draw on its extensive archive of historical records, British newspaper cuttings, exclusive images, war records and much more, so that the new website brings personal history to life.

The site will go live in the next few weeks. If you wish to receive news of the site's launch, you can sign up at http://www.whodoyouthinkyouarestory.com.