Thursday, 31 July 2014

Genealogy At Lunchtime: 20 talks at the NLI

Each talk starts at 1:05pm. Free. Just turn up.
Tomorrow will see the start of this year's Genealogy At Lunchtime series of 20-minute talks at the National Library of Ireland (NLI).

Organised by Eneclann and Ancestor Network, each of the talks covers an important area of potential genealogical discovery and is followed by a Q&A session when researchers can raise issues relating to that day's topic. The speakers include genealogists, historians, service providers and other specialists and the range of topics is wide.

The first lecture will be delivered by Brian Donovan of Eneclann and FindMyPast who will be talking about digital sources for Irish family history.

Allowing for the bank holiday on Monday, the second lecture will be on Tuesday 5 August, and will see Rev Patrick Comerford present his talk "Hatch, match and beyond… finding trails and tales in parish records".

The series then continues on every remaining weekday in August.

If you haven't already selected the talks you want to attend, it's about time to do so. You can see the full list of topics and speakers posted in May (it's been slightly updated since then). Alternatively, the list is on the NLI website; click the image above.